To report a contractual modification to the RPC, you must go to the "Modification" section found in "Management of contracts", under the "Awarding" section. It can also be done in the "Correction of data" section by clicking on the blue arrow under the new modification column.

The operation to be executed to register a modification to the system will follow the following steps:

1. Contract selection: based on the search criteria determined

Once the "Modification" option is selected, the contract search screen appears. The search for the contract can be done by entering the registration number of the contract which consists of:

  • Organization code
  • Registration number
  • Year of execution

Or you can also search based on the following criteria:

  • Group of contracts
  • Type of contract
  • Contracting body
  • Year of execution
  • file

In this second modality, it is mandatory to inform at least one of the criteria, so that the program will search for the contracts with the chosen search criteria and display them on the screen so that the user can select the one he wants to modify. Depending on the search criteria chosen and how many of the criteria are reported, the list of contracts that the program will show will be larger or smaller.


In the case of a search by criteria, the system will display the list of contracts that meet the requirements. Clicking on the registration number will access the contract in question. In the event that it is necessary, the paging buttons will be activated, because the system shows the result of the search in blocks of 15 rows.


From this resulting list, you can query the contract file by clicking on the 'File' icon for the contract in question.

2. Batch selection: in the case of contracts with more than one batch

In the event that the contract selected to make the modification has several batches, a screen will be displayed in which the user must indicate in which batch of the contract they want to register the modification.


The selection will be made by typing the lot number. At the same time, you can access the file (consultation only) of the batch using the corresponding 'File' icon.
Once the contract and batch in question have been selected, the system will determine whether the latter has extensions. If so, the modification will be made against the last extension. If negative, it will be done against the lot.

3. Modification data

The data processed by the system in a modification are:

  • Type of modification: mandatory field. It is necessary to inform what type is the modification that is being registered. This is a multi-select field, so you can select from the list and add as many types as appropriate.
  • Amount: Optional field. In this field it is necessary to report the amount of the modification, if it has had an economic component. This field can be left blank in the case that the modification has had no economic effects, or it can be reported with negative numbers in the case of the modification being a reduction of the amount of the initial contract.
  • Approval date: mandatory field. It will be validated that it is higher than the lot/extension award date.
  • File: optional field. The file code of the modification must be reported.
  • Modification greater than 10%: indicator that the modification amount is greater than 10% of the lot/extension award amount.
  • Term: optional field. In this field, indicate in years, months and days the time in which the term of the contract has been modified, in the event that this has occurred.
  • Total amount: protected field and calculated by the system from the lot/extension award amount plus the sum of the amounts of the different modifications.
  • Reason for modification: This is an optional field. The reason for the change must be reported in this field, the options are: forecast in the tender/announcement or unforeseeable cause.
  • Formalization document: Optional field, only mandatory for lot modifications where it is mandatory to report documents to the lot, as indicated in the section "Do not attach documents" of point "2.1.5 Lot data".


If the selected contract is multi-year, in the modification data screen, the list of annuities of the batch/extension will appear.
