Who do I contact if I have any questions?

We help you find the right support at every stage:

Public Procurement Services Platform

  • I want to manage the publication of contracts in the Contractor Profile

For incidents, queries or suggestions for improvement, on the operation of the publication management application of the bidding phases you can contact the contacts below depending on the type of entity to which you belong:

Ens de la Generalitat

  • I want to know more about what's new in the PSCP Act

For news on PSCP adaptations to the new Public Sector Contracts Act (9/2017) , see the information posted in E-Procurement Blog

About Digital 2.0

  • I have doubts about signing up for Digital Envelope 2.0

Check the news on the implementation of the tool that allows the submission of telematic tenders through PSCP in the following link .

  • I have technical questions about how the service works

For inquiries / incidents related to the use of the service, & nbsp; You can contact the contacts below depending on the type of entity you belong to:

Ens de la Generalitat

  • Supporting Bidders:

Bidding companies have the support material available at this link . Those companies that have technical incidents or doubts that cannot be resolved with the available documentation, will have to contact you so that you can transfer them to us from your contracting body through the contact form. See more information on business support defined by the use of hiring tools in this link .

Public Contract Registration

  • I have questions about signing up for RPC service

For inquiries / incidents related to the management of the registration of the service, contact us through the corresponding form:

Ens de la Generalitat

  • I have questions about managing RPC users

Consult the indications of the manual in this regard, and if you still have questions or concerns, please contact us using the appropriate form:

Ens de la Generalitat

  • I have technical questions about how the service works

For PRC issues, and questions about data submitted and to report, please contact:

Ens de la Generalitat

Technical Support

I have questions about the operation of the service…

For questions, queries about the portal editing tool or other resources of the AOC Consortium or suggestions for improvement, you can contact the Consortium Support Service AOC via this form:

Contact AOC Support

name of the organization

Select the type of incident or query

Indicate the identification number of the notification that you will find in the sms (No.) or in the e-mail (Notification ID) received.

Indicate the first 4 digits of the document you are using to access the notification

Indicates the access mechanism with which you are trying to access the notification.

Please enter the details of your request. A member of our support staff will respond as soon as possible.

Add file or drop files here

    Basic data protection information:

    • Name of the treatment activity: management of people using the support service.
    • Data controller:: Management of the Open Administration Consortium of Catalonia, c/ Salvador Espriu, 45-51. 08908 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, ​​rpd@aoc.cat.
    • Purpose of processing: Management of support requests made by users of AOC services and conducting surveys regarding the degree of satisfaction with the support service offered.
    • Legal basis: treatment necessary for the fulfillment of a mission carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of public powers conferred on the controller (RGPD: 6.1.e).
    • Recipients: No data transfers.
    • Rights of data subjects: to request access, rectification or deletion of data, and to limit or oppose the processing.

    Additional information: If you want to expand this information, you can consult the following link: management of people using the support service.

    Hours: We serve you all year, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., except holidays

    Phones: 900 90 50 90 (free) / 931 223 223 (calls from outside)