In order to be able to upload minors via Excel, it is necessary to download the file from the upload template found in File Upload and fill in all the fields for each of the contracts entered.
You can download the blank template with just the column structure or you can download the template for a specific contracting agency. In this case, the column with the specified contracting body will appear in the completed file, and in some fields you will have a drop-down with its possible values.
In addition, an Excel file of instructions is available, where all the fields are described and their obligatory nature is defined, as well as the codes to be entered for the fields in which the coding of the same is required.

At the time of uploading the file, if the "Flag" of Upload with submission to the JCCA is left marked, the contracts that are uploaded to the system and have no errors will go directly to the Advisory Board status for validation.
If you make the submission by unchecking the "flag", the contracts will also be charged to the CPR program, but in this case, they will all remain in the status of Contracting Agency, and it is necessary to send them to the Advisory Board.

In the case of uploads of files with errors in which there are also correct contracts, it is recommended to delete the contracts already loaded correctly from the file at the same time as making the next upload with the corrections. Failure to do so will result in an error message when the system tries to load the correct contracts again, saying "A contract cannot be modified by sending it to the JCCA".
In the load result section you can see if the load has finished or is pending execution (loads of up to 200 lines are done at the moment), if the load result is correct or with errors and the results and error reports.
In the event that the result of the upload is "with errors" it is possible that all the contracts that were in the file have errors and therefore there will only be an error report or that there are also correct contracts in the file. In this case, in addition to the error report, there will be a result report indicating which contracts in the file have been successfully uploaded to the Public Contract Register.

In the case of uploads of files with errors in which there are also correct contracts, it is recommended to delete the contracts already loaded correctly from the file at the same time as making the next upload with the corrections. Failure to do so will result in an error message when the system tries to load the correct contracts again, saying "A contract cannot be modified by sending it to the JCCA".
When filling in the excel template data to upload, please note:
- The “supply type” field should only be reported in the case of supply contracts
- The “pricing method” field should only be reported in the case of service contracts
- The field "municipality of the successful bidder" must be filled in with the INE code (in case you do not know the code of the municipality in question there is a list with all the codes in the municipality tab of the excel excel )
- In the case of foreign successful bidders, the country of the successful bidder must be reported and in the field “municipality of the successful bidder” the code must be entered: 99999
- The data of the term (in years, months and days) are only mandatory in the case of not informing the expected end date of execution of the contract.
- The Settlement Date field is mandatory : If a settlement amount has been indicated, it is also mandatory to report the date.
- The batch deadline and the expected end date are inconsistent : to avoid problems in the case of deadlines it is best to put the start date and the end date or deadline but not both dates.
- A JCCA-validated contract cannot be modified: it's not really a mistake, it's just that the contract (or a contract with the same file code) is already reported, submitted, and validated, so it can't be reloaded.
- The execution of the contract must begin and end in different years : you should look at the specific staff probably for the year of execution of the contract they have put and the other dates.
- The Country of origin of the product field is mandatory: it refers to where it was manufactured and is mandatory only in the case of supply contracts
- The municipality reported does not exist: a valid municipality code has not been reported in the "Municipality of the successful bidder" column. A code of type 17061 must be reported for those included in the Municipalities tab of the instruction excel.
- Reported NIF / CIF is incorrect: must not have a NIF / CIF format.
- Incorrect CPV code: Please check that there is no blank space at the end of the CPV code.
- The type of contract has an invalid value : the type of contract field may be blank or uninformed with the values given in the instructions for completing the excel of minor contracts.
- The tender amount of the contract may not be less than the award amount without VAT of the lot: it is necessary to review the tender and award amounts to verify that no lower tender amount has been placed than the award in any of the contracts of the excel.
- The loaded Excel TYPE field does not have any of the allowed formats, 'CODE' or 'CODE' - Description : check that the contract type field is one of those set in the template of instructions that are downloaded from the tool)
- The loaded PROVINCE AWARD field of the loaded excel does not have any of the allowed formats, 'CODE' or 'CODE - Description ': Province codes are incorrect (do not follow encodings set in instructions)
- The AWARD MUNICIPALITY field does not have the format 99999; a valid municipality code has not been reported in the "Municipality of the successful bidder" column. A code of type 17061 must be reported.
- The sum of the award amounts of the annuities is less than the award amount of the lot ; Please note that the amounts must be distributed in such a way that the sum of the amounts in the annuities coincides with the amount of the tender tendered. Not all of the amount bid for and awarded in the first year must be included.
- Year of execution must coincide with the year of execution of the contract: please note that the problem is not with the award, but the year of the date of execution must coincide with the year column year.
- The NIF as a mandatory field. in the case of self-employed workers, the NIF is the DNI number of the successful bidder.
To consider (Recommendations):
- VAT on all invoices for that contract: the settlement date is the date on which the payment of the last invoice is approved.
- Extensions: The burden of minors is to report minor contracts, not extensions. In fact, minor contracts cannot be extended. Extensions are reported individually.
- To upload documents that weigh more than allowed (10MB) you need to split them as it is not possible to compress them.